New Political Science

(2) Orderliness of Choice 본문

Mechanism of Politics

(2) Orderliness of Choice

Political Science 2023. 12. 11. 12:14

(2) Orderliness of Choice


All social phenomena, including political phenomena, are determined by the serial choices made by individuals. However, everyone wants many things, but no one can choose everything at once. As a result, the following Orderliness of Choice arises.


         [Ch.2.17] When people make choices, they prioritize urgent matters and close tasks first, and then deal with less pressing and distant tasks later.


The Orderliness of choice is not simply a phenomenon among humans but a common occurrence among all subjects that make choices, including animals. It is also described by Jared Diamond when he stated that the Orderliness of choice is a phenomenon.


Whether it is a human or an animal, in order to obtain food, they continuously unconsciously prioritize their efforts and make choices on how to allocate them. Of course, they first think of food that they like and that has the most rewards for their efforts. If they cannot obtain that food, they move on to food that they like less in sequence.


If we think about it for a moment, the meaning of the Orderliness of choice is the unraveling of what the word "choice" implies. Thus, it is inevitable that there is an order in people's choices. Doesn't the act of "choosing" itself mean evaluating the hierarchy among various options and deciding to prioritize one over the others or to give up on some? Later on, we can find answers to serious political questions such as why peace easily breaks down and wars occur or why the majority of people remain silent in the face of obvious political injustices.