New Political Science

a. ㉡ Schematic Understanding of The 1st Law 본문

Mechanism of Politics

a. ㉡ Schematic Understanding of The 1st Law

Political Science 2023. 12. 11. 15:33

Schematic Understanding of The 1st Law


The temporal and spatial impact of Samjae capacities


Let us refer to the power based on each Samjae capacity as "Samjae power". That is, just as K. E. Boulding suggests, military power is the power of the one who possesses armed capacity, economic power is the power of the one who possesses economic capacity, and ideological power is the power of the one who possesses ideological capacity. Then, the duration and scope of each Samjae power can be explained as depicted in [Diag.3.A.3].


[Diag.3.A.3] The Order and Intensity of Samjae Power and the Scope of its Influence


This diagram is based on the consistency of the desire quantity[Ch.1.7], where the vertical axis P represents the intensity of the influence, while the horizontal axis R represents the range in which the power effectively operates. Although it is not necessary to distinguish the temporal and spatial range of influence each of the Samjae capacities possess, this diagram separates the time range and spatial range on the left and right, respectively. In other words, this diagram can be understood as the political actor extending the intensity of his influence to the right, and the scope of the influence in terms of time and space to the left.


As is typical in the way graphs are drawn, the further away from the point of intersection between the R-axis (horizontal axis) and the P-axis (vertical axis), the greater the value. Therefore, according to this graph, armed capacity has a very strong influence but a narrow range. For example, when looking at the asterisk <> within the range of armed capacity, the value of the range of influence (R) indicated by its position is small but the intensity of influence (P) is large. Conversely, ideological capacity has a small intensity of influence but a wide range of influence. The range of influence indicated by the asterisk <> is very large and the intensity of influence is small. Economic capacity exhibits intermediate properties.


On the other hand, political forces can be established in order from close to the center to far away. That is, armed capacity is established fundamentally, and economic capacity is established depending on armed capacity, and ideological capacity is established depending on armed capacity and economic capacity. The focus here is the order of establishment. This means the order in which political actors' political capacities can realistically work according to their intended goals.


To clarify the above explanation, the following definitions of each Samjae capacity are as follows:


         [Def. 1.1] Armed capacity refers to the ability to physically coerce one's will upon others by means of physical force. The ultimate form of physical coercion is the destruction of the adversary.

          [Def. 1.2] Economic capacity refers to resources that can make people wealthy in terms of people's material consumption, specifically the quantity of goods that the subject possesses.

          [Def. 1.3] Ideological capacity is the ability to influence and change the ideological value systems of other political actors, referring to the ability to persuade and change other political actors mentally.



Relative Size of Power and Combination of Characteristics of Samjae Capacities


By combining the "size of power" obtained by each of two political actors towards each other and the "spatial-temporal characteristics" of the effectiveness of the Samjae capacities, we can deduce how the power relationship between political actors changes according to each of their Samjae capacities.


For example, consider a scenario where there is a soldier with strong armed capacity and a philosopher with strong ideological capacity. Let's assume that their economic capacities are the same. In that case, due to the spatial-temporal characteristics of armed capacity, the soldier obtains a greater shortterm power in a limited area compared to the philosopher. In terms of order, the soldier will also exercise decision-making power more prior to the philosopher. On the other hand, the philosopher will exert more political power in a wider area in the long run compared to the soldier. This can be illustrated in the following [Diag.3.A.4].


[Diag.3.A.4] Change in Power Size and Differences in Samjae Capacities


The reason why Kim Gu's spirit and honor had greater political influence than the name of Seungman Rhee, who had greater armed capacity, in 2010, 50-60 years after the liberation of the Korean War, is due to the difference in the Samjae capacities of the two. If Seungman Rhee and Kim Gu were alive or if their political successors were present, they would experience this difference.