New Political Science

b. Interrelationships of Variables of Cohesion Force 본문

Mechanism of Politics

b. Interrelationships of Variables of Cohesion Force

Political Science 2023. 12. 14. 02:22

b. Interrelationships of Variables of Cohesion Force

The 2nd law is a law that describes one aspect of political selection and political behavior of political actors. Therefore, applying the conditions for political selection and behavior[Ch.1.5] based on the Changhoo equation[Fmla.1.2], the following conclusions can be obtained:


          [Fmla.3.2.3]        \( [Ar]_g \vec{S_g}  > [Iv]_g \vec{{T_{HR}}_g}  \)  :  Political actor( g ) expands.

          [Fmla.3.2.4]        \( [Ar]_g \vec{S_g}  = [Iv]_g \vec{{T_{HR}}_g}  \)  :  Political actor( g ) is maintained.

          [Fmla.3.2.5]        \( [Ar]_g \vec{S_g}  < [Iv]_g \vec{{T_{HR}}_g}  \)  :   Political actor( g ) contracts.


(From now on, if there is no risk of confusion, I will omit the subscript "g" below.)

The term "expansion" refers to an increase in the survival capacity of the political actor g, indicating that the political capacity of g has increased, resulting in greater political influence and a broader range of choices. When the political actor(g) is a political organization such as a nation, the territory may expand, and the number of members within the organization often increases. Conversely, the term "contraction" refers to a decrease in the survival capacity of the political actor g, meaning that the political capacity has decreased, resulting in a narrower range of choices. When the political actor is a political organization such as a nation, the territory may shrink, and the number of members within the organization often decreases.

Among the variables in [Fmla.3.2.2] and [Fmla.3.2.3~3.2.5], the two that contain the most political meaning are cohesion force( \( \vec{S_g} \) ) and invasion threat(  \(  \vec{{T_{HR}}_g}  \)  ). If the relationship between these two values is graphed on a coordinate plane, it results in a proportional relationship graph as shown in Diagram 3.B.3 (Note: This graph and the following graphs are drawn with the assumption that each vector is scalar or can be seen as a graph of the values of each vector component).

[Diag.3.B.3] Crisis-cohesion curve: Correlation between&nbsp; Cohesion&nbsp;Force&nbsp;and&nbsp;Invasion&nbsp;Threat.

The X-axis of [Figure 3.B.3] represents the size of the invasion threat( \(  \vec{T_{HR}}  \)  ), and the Y-axis represents the size of the cohesion force( \( \vec{S} \) ). Let me refer to this coordinate plane as the "2nd law Plane". Let me also refer to the curve that represents the set of ordered pairs of invasion threat and cohesion force values that satisfy the equation in [Fmla.3.2.4] as the "crisis-cohesion curve". Then, the crisis-cohesion curve becomes the straight line drawn in [Diag.3.B.3].

Each point on the 2nd law Plane(first quadrant) represents an ordered pair of invasion threat and cohesion force, and the points on the crisis- cohesion curve represent the cases where the political actor remains unchanged. To understand its specific meaning, let me refer to [Diag.3.B.4].


The points('가' and '나') above the crisis-cohesion curve in [Diag.3.B.4] represent political actors expanding, while those below the crisis-cohesion curve ('다' and '라') represent political actors contracting.

Examining the case of point '가', the size of the invasion threat  \(  \vec{{T_{HR}}_1}  \)   is very small, but the cohesion force \(  \vec{S_1}  \)  is very strong. This situation is one in which the members of the political actor's internal composition are strongly united even in the absence of an external threat. Then, the survival capacity of this political actor is rapidly enhanced. Point '나', in comparison to the points on the crisis- cohesion curve, represents a situation where the cohesion force is slightly stronger than the invasion threat. In this situation, political actors will expand progressively, but their expansion rate will be much slower than in the case of '가'.

Point '다' represents a situation where the cohesion force is somewhat lacking compared to the invasion threat, and point '라' represents a situation where the cohesion force is significantly lacking. Political actors in the situation of '다' will contract progressively, while those in the situation of '라' will face a crisis of extinction or destruction in the short term.

On the other hand, as the armament level or ideological diversity increases, the Crisis-Cohesion Curve changes as shown in the following [Diag.3.B.5]. 


[Diag.3.B.5] Crisis-Cohesion Curve and Armament Level&nbsp;and&nbsp;Changes&nbsp;in&nbsp;Ideological&nbsp;Diversity

Here, the changes in the crisis-cohesion curve indicate that the political actor's survival capacity remains constant, neither expanding nor contracting, and maintains the current state. Therefore, when the changes in the crisis-cohesion curve do not occur in actual cases, the political actor is in a situation where they will either expand or contract, which is what the 2nd law means. During the period of the Russian Civil War after the October Revolution of 1917, the newly formed Red Army repeatedly defeated the White Army, which had a fatal weakness in failing to secure political unity. This is a case where the White Army (political actor) with increased ideological diversity and unchanged crisis-cohesion curve was weakened.