New Political Science

b. ㉠ Political Utilization of Value Systems 본문

Mechanism of Politics

b. ㉠ Political Utilization of Value Systems

Political Science 2023. 12. 18. 13:30

b. Utilization and Effects of Ideological Capacity


Political Utilization of Value Systems


When the elements of ideological capacity combine or conflict with each other, the political effects of the value system are amplified or diminished accordingly. First, let me consider the case where the elements combine with each other.


These phenomena are related to fundamental beliefs. Firstly, the production of new fundamental beliefs that align with existing fundamental beliefs exerts a strong and long-term influence. In particular, the creation of entirely new ideologies has a tremendous political impact in the long run. A prime example is the birth of Islam, as well as the establishment of Christianity during the Roman era, the emergence of Enlightenment ideas during the Renaissance, and the birth of socialist ideology. Secondly, the production of a theoretical system that aligns with fundamental beliefs exerts a strong and medium- term influence. Augustine, who was a professor of rhetoric, became the bishop of Hippo in 390 and studied Christian theory in letters and papers; his theories became the orthodox teachings of medieval schools. John Locke's political thought was adopted as the objective thought of the American Revolution, influencing American politics through the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Finally, cultural activities that align with fundamental beliefs exert a strong and short-term influence. Charlemagne successfully conquered the rebellious region of Saxony using both military suppression and the church. In this case, the church should be considered a cultural activity rather than fundamental beliefs for the people of Saxony since it was a new culture for them.


On the other hand, political phenomena related to theoretical systems are as follows. Firstly, the production of new fundamental beliefs that is compatible with the existing theoretical system exerts a moderate, long-term influence. Manichaeism, founded by Mani from Babylon in the mid-3rd century, can be considered a religion (fundamental beliefs) that is compatible with the existing theoretical system since it combined the doctrines of Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Buddhism. Although it was widely propagated and then diminished due to persecution by the ruling class, it later reappeared in a different form. Secondly, the production of a new theoretical system that is compatible with the existing theoretical system exerts a moderate, medium-term influence. Examples include the significant influence of Toegye's theory, which is compatible with the theoretical system of Neo-Confucianism, on Joseon Dynasty politics, and the popularity of Spencer's theory, which perfectly suited the needs of wealthy American capitalists. Another example can be found in U.S. President Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), who fiercely criticized the static lifelong civil servant class of the federal government based on his democratic theory, expanded his support base, and eventually reorganized the administrative organization on a large scale, distributing public offices to his supporters. Thirdly, cultural activities that are compatible with the existing theoretical system exert a moderate and short-term influence.


Political phenomena related to cultural activities are as follows. Firstly, the production of new fundamental beliefs that are compatible with existing cultural activities has very few examples, making it difficult to find a perfect case. However, if successful, it will exert a long-term influence as the production of fundamental beliefs. Secondly, the production of a new theoretical system that is compatible with existing cultural activities is slightly challenging, but if successful, it exerts a medium-term influence. One example would be King Jeongjo referring to himself as 'Gunsa(君師)', which means both king and teacher, while promoting the 'Hwanggeuk' ideology. Thirdly, the production of new cultural activities that are compatible with existing cultural activities is somewhat easier, and if successful, exerts short-term influence. Examples include election candidates campaigning with popular songs or seeking the cooperation of popular celebrities.


Conversely, when elements of ideological power clash, the political effects of each element are diminished, and naturally, they exert influence in the order of the value system structure. There has been an instance where the influence of such a structure was revealed while trying to politically revise prejudices close to fundamental beliefs. The failed attempt to change the fundamental beliefs of white people's prejudice against black people in the United States through a cultural activity called a "publicity film" campaign in 1954 proves this point. At the time, the US Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, ruled that it was unequal for black children to be separated from white children solely based on race. Consequently, social psychologists of the time were determined to change the prejudices of white people against black people by devising a campaign using publicity films, but their efforts failed. This phenomenon occurs due to the tendency to not accept information that conflicts with one's own beliefs. For example, a radio broadcast produced in the early 1940s to reduce prejudice against Polish-Americans was mostly listened to by Polish- Americans themselves, rather than others.


Conflicts in value systems are always followed by emotional conflicts. Among various emotions, the most politically significant emotion is "anger." Anger is aroused when one suffers significant harm in an immoral manner and most directly triggers choices and actions. The 2011 protests that began in response to the burning of the Quran by the US military and the subsequent intensification of terrorism can be seen in the 2012 incident where Secretary of State Clinton had to repeatedly express her apologies for the Quran burning. Additionally, in 2018, President Trump's "shithole" comment led to a government shutdown in the United States. In this way, anger often follows in the micro and immediate actions of ideological power.