New Political Science

a. ㉡ Schematic Understanding of the 2nd Law 본문

Mechanism of Politics

a. ㉡ Schematic Understanding of the 2nd Law

Political Science 2023. 12. 12. 15:07

㉡ Schematic Understanding of the 2nd Law

Let me summarize what has been discussed so far using the political situation in South Korea in the 1960s as an example. This content explains the interrelationships of five factors: ㉠ invasion threat, ㉡ security force, ㉢ cohesion force, ㉣ ideological diversity, and ㉤ armament level with respect to a single power regime or political organization. Since cohesion force is the practical foundation of power[Ch.2.8], the greater the cohesion force, the greater the power of the political actor. The content is complex, so let me explain it using a diagram.

First, let's recall [Diag.2.A.8] seen earlier. In this diagram, the closer the distance between two political actors a and b, the greater the intensity of power and cohesion force between them. If we represent the degree of cohesion among multiple political actors in inverse proportion to spatial distance, we can represent a high degree of group cohesion when multiple political actors are gathered in a small space. If we also include the common survival conditions that determine cohesion force, the resulting diagram would be as follows.

[Diag.3.B.2] Law of Organizational Equilibrium

The red and blue arrows in this diagram oppose each other along a closed dashed curve, which represents the political organization(g). The red arrows on the outside represent threats to the survival and interests of the political organization. Here, the interest of the political organization refers to the common interest of individuals or factions that make up the political organization. The red arrows represent the force that threatens these interests, which will be referred to as "invasion threat (\( \vec{T_{HR}} \))."

The blue arrows inside the closed curve represent the force that resists this threat, which will be referred to as "security force( \( \vec{D} \) )." The light solid curve inside the dashed curve represents the means to resist the invasion threat from outside the political organization, which will be referred to as "armament level( \( [Ar] \) )." The circles inside the closed curve represent the actors (or political actors) that make up the political organization. For example, they can be communities or groups that are smaller than individuals or political organizations. The smallest political actor is an individual.

Meanwhile, the green arrow represents the power of cooperation among these actors. This is the "cohesion force( \( \vec{S} \) )," which is an indicator of the degree of cooperation among individual actors for their common survival and interests. Lastly, the yellow arrows indicate the various value concepts that each actor possesses. This is referred to as "ideological diversity( \( [Iv] \) )." Ideological diversity refers to the degree of diversity in the knowledge, information, and values that individual actors possess. Generally, the more information and knowledge that exist within a political organization, and the faster it flows, the greater the ideological diversity will be.

In order to visually represent and understand political phenomena through this diagram, the following expression style can be used, which can be helpful in applying this diagram in various aspects.

         [Def. 2.1] Invasion threat( \( \vec{T_{HR}} \) ) and security force( \( \vec{D} \) ) are represented by the length of the arrow, which increases in proportion to their strength. The stronger their power, the longer the arrow, and the weaker their power, the shorter the arrow.
         [Def. 2.2] The arrow representing cohesion force( \( \vec{S} \) ) is displayed such that the shorter the length, the greater the cohesion force and the longer the length, the weaker the cohesion force.

         [Def. 2.3] The size of the curve g, that is, the area inside the curve, indicates the range of benefits or resources obtained by the political organization. The larger the size of the curve, the more benefits and resources the political organization has obtained, and the smaller the size, the less benefits and resources.

          [Def. 2.4] The direction of the broken line arrow( \( [Iv] \) ) representing ideological diversity indicates that there are various ideologies among the individuals within the political organization, with the more diverse the directions, the more diverse the ideologies.

         [Def. 2.5] The thickness of the dotted line( \( [Ar] \) ) representing the armament level shows that the thinner the line, the worse the armament level of the political organization, and the thicker the line, the better the armament level.