New Political Science

D. (1) a. Samjae Capacities and Multi-Layer Structure 본문

Mechanism of Politics

D. (1) a. Samjae Capacities and Multi-Layer Structure

Political Science 2023. 12. 14. 03:04

D. Iteration and Combination of the 123 Law

(1) Expansion and Iterated Application of the 1st Law


a. Samjae Capacities and Multi-Layer Structure


The multi-layer structure of capacity arises from the interaction structure of Samjae capacities, and this multi-layer structure can be analyzed more deeply through the combination of more multi-layer structures[Ch.2.22]. As already emphasized, adding the multi-layer structure while explaining the interaction of Samjae capacities is crucial in understanding complex and diverse political phenomena in a consistent system of simple laws.


In general, the multi-layer structure of Samjae capacities is combined with the conditionality of macro-level phenomena to be realized in an organization[Ch.2.16]. That is, if an organization defends against external invasion and secures internal safety, this becomes a prerequisite for the organization's economic activity of its members. Otherwise, individuals or groups must construct their own prerequisites. For example, if they are PKB friends, they must establish security measures to eliminate violent or animal threats, and then search for food and begin farming.


On the other hand, the multi-layer structure of Samjae capacities increases with more than three layers, as the choice situation of humans itself has a multi-layer structure and the macro/micro scales that individuals consider also act in a multi-level manner. Considering the example discussed earlier[Tab.2.11], let me think about the case of composing music with further analysis.


Analyzing the activity of composing music in terms of the multi-layer hierarchy of prerequisite condition, actual activity, and activity goal[Tab.2.10], making money through composing music is the actual activity, and the political order that protects this actual activity is the prerequisite condition, and pursuing the activity purpose of self-realization through composing is the activity goal. Therefore, the activity of composing, which is an activity of self-realization, is analyzed with a multi-layer structure as shown in [Tab.3.41].


[Tab.3.41] Phenomenal Layer of Individual Economic Activity

Layer of Phenomena Samjae capacities Action Content
Activity goal Ideological capacity People pursue what they like and value.
Actual activity Economic capacity Individual activity is composed of activities for living things.
Prerequisite Armed capacity Economic activity must be protected by law and regulations.


By the way, the focus can be shifted to the political order that protects one's property, and the three-layered multi-layer structure can be re-applied. In this case, the actual activity of ensuring safety is maintaining order based on laws and institutions, and the activity goal is to make money to live. On the other hand, what prerequisite does the political order of laws and institutions stand on? It is a value system such as ethics, ideology, religion, and so on. For example, the political order of 21st century South Korea is supported by a value system such as democracy and the separation of powers. (If an absolute monarchy were to be introduced, the political order of 21st century South Korea would immediately lead to chaos.) No matter how good the laws and institutions are, if people do not want to follow them, they cannot function.


In summary, the above content is as shown in the following [Tab.3.42].


[Tab.3.42] Phenomenal Layer of Individual Military Activity

Layer of Phenomena Samjae capacities Action Content
Activity goal Economic capacity Individual activities are carried out to live and survive.
Actual activity Armed capacity Activities are protected by laws and regulations.
Prerequisite Ideological capacity Law and order are supported by values such as ethics, ideology, and religion.


Now let me analyze the value system that underpins the political order.


To maintain laws and institutions, police officers and military personnel who fight to protect them must achieve mental cohesion through ethics, ideology, religion, and other values. However, this layer of ideological capacity requires immediate material abundance to sustain it. In other words, police officers and soldiers must receive salaries and maintain their livelihoods in order to be obedient to orders and support the ideologies demanded by the laws and institutions. Based on this, the mental cohesion activity is aimed at maintaining laws and institutions and defeating those who violate them. Therefore, the above content can be summarized in [Tab.3.43].


[Tab.3.43] Phenomenal Layer of Individual Ideological Activity

Layer of Phenomena Samjae capacities Action Content
Activity goal Armed capacity The maintenance of laws and order is for economic activities.
Actual activity Ideological capacity Laws and order are supported by values such as ethics, ideology, and religion.
Prerequisite Economic capacity The pursuit of spiritual values is based on the immediate needs for survival.


In the previous discussion, the multi-layer structure of Samjae capacities has been presented and it may seem to be cyclic. However, in reality, it is not cyclical. To understand this, let us combine [Tab.3.41] to [Tab.3.43] into one. Then, it becomes [Diag.3.D.1] as shown below.


Layer Phenomenon Classification Action Content
Ide2     Daily Life Activity Goal Comprehensive self-realization of individuals
Eco2   Security Activity Activity Goal Actual Activity Livelihood activity of making a living
Mil2 Mental Armament

Activity Goal Actual Activity Prere-
Building political order activities (law-abiding, voting)
Ide1 Actual Activity Prere-
  Sharing values and cooperation
Eco1 Prere-
    (Material) resources for cooperative activities (military supplies)

[Diag.3.D.1] Multi-layer Structure of Samjae Capacities 1


In the above [Diag.3.D.1], Military(Mil) 2 becomes the actual activity of Economy(Eco) 2, and Economy 1 becomes the prerequisite of Military 2 (through Ideology(Ide) 1). Superficially, it can be understood that the economy becomes a prerequisite for politics, and politics becomes a prerequisite for the economy again. This may appear to be cyclical, but in fact, if you consider the point that the lower layer in the multi-layer structure requires conditions on a relatively micro-level scale, and the upper layer requires conditions on a relatively macro- level scale[Tab.2.11], you can resolve this circularity. Therefore, as can be seen in the rightmost column of [Diag.3.D.1], the multi-layer structure of Samjae capacities can be arranged in a single column without circularity.


Looking at this, in [Diag.3.D.1], the economic activity of Economy 1 at the very bottom is the economic activity of a minority of people struggling within the political organization (let me call it a "nation"). And on the support of this economic activity, members who can survive immediately share values, cooperate (Ideology 1), and establish the political order of the nation (Military 2). This established political order is a political order that protects only the people of that nation. When engaging in economic activity on top of this order, the activity has economic ripple effects even to other countries through trade (Economy 2), and the composer can achieve self- realization as a world-renowned musician (Ideology 2).


To explain this multi-layer structure diagrammatically, see the following [Diag.3.D.2]. In this diagram, the inner dimension of the individual is represented by the small circles surrounding the small "individual" circle, while the dimension of social life is represented by the large circles outside the thick solid line of "individuals' organization". That is, asterisk B corresponds to Economy 1 and asterisk D corresponds to Economy 2.



[Diag.3.D.2] Example Diagram of the Multi-Layer Structure of Samjae Capacities



Case Analysis of the Multi-layer Structure of Samjae Capacities


Let me look at a real-life case study. In Europe, centered on Italy in the early 14th century, "the growth of capitalism and the strengthening of the monarchy were closely interdependent." Along with the centralization of power, the cost of entering the government's army increased, and kings and emperors borrowed money from merchants and financiers, while also employing them to help solve increasingly complex national financial problems. As a result, many kings and emperors took advantage of legal opportunities such as holding government positions or supplying goods needed by the palace and army through supply contracts to amass enormous wealth.


The combination relationship between the power holder and the wealthy clearly exhibits the reciprocity, so there is a cyclicality of interaction that supports the cooperation between two factions with different powers. However, since the cyclicality of interaction can be seen as inconsistency in explaining the interaction, the whole interaction must be explained in a consistent way. The multi-layer structure of Samjae capacities provides such a consistent explanation.


In other words, the growth of capitalism corresponds to the layer of Economy 2, while the strengthening of the monarchy in the early 14th century Italian situation corresponds to the layer of Military 2, as it was an activity of constructing a political order. The reason why the two were interdependent was that when the growth of capitalism (layer: Economy 1) occurred, it could produce the materials necessary for the centralization of power and the cost of entering the government's army, which was required for strengthening the monarchy. This corresponds to the layer of Economy 1. At this time, in order to engage experts for the increasingly complex tasks of government administration, including national finance, it is necessary not only to secure national finance, but also for finance and administrative experts to maintain the value that their work is just or right. Even if they can afford to pay high salaries, they cannot rely on experts from enemy countries and utilize them as administrative experts. This value corresponds to the layer of Ideology 1. If economic abundance is achieved, individuals can enjoy culture and realize their individual selves more on top of it. This is the layer of Ideology 2. Such one-way actions manifest as cyclic overall phenomena when their results are mixed in individuals and organizations.


[Diag.3.D.3] is a more detailed version of the phenomena that occur in each layer, omitting the distinction of the phenomenon layer in [Diag.3.D.1]. By examining the contents on the right side of this diagram, a clearer understanding of the multi-layer structure of Samjae capacities can be obtained.


Layer Classification Action Content Everyday distinction  
Ide 2     Self-realization Ideological situation: personal self-realization Religion, thought, art, etc. Civilization/society
Eco 2   Daily life Economic activity: growth of capitalism Work life, business
Mil 2 War situation Political order: strengthening of monarchy Military and political activities war
Ide 1   Ideological situation: belief in legitimacy Establishment of personal beliefs Barbarism/ individualism
Eco 1     (Defense) material for cooperative activity Immediate resolution of consciousness of needs

[Diag.3.D.3] Multi-layer Structure of Samjae Capacities 2


In all multi-layer structures, it is important to remember that the lower layers(prerequisites) consist of micro-level phenomena, while the upper layers(activity goals) consist of macro-level phenomena[Tab.2.11]. This means that the bottom layer, Economy 1, represents the smallest-scale phenomena, while the top layer, Ideology 2, represents the largest-scale (macro-level) phenomena.


In [Diag.3.D.3], Ideology 2 refers to activities such as religion, philosophy, and art, while Ideology 1, which is lower in the diagram, refers to activities related to individual beliefs such as loyalty and devotion. Similarly, Economy 2 refers to activities such as work and business, while Economy 1 refers to activities related to meeting immediate needs such as food and shelter. Focusing on the economy, once immediate needs are met in the Economy 1 layer, the Economy 2 layer generates profits for a more comfortable and convenient life. Between these two layers, individual beliefs are established (Ideology 1) and layers are built to fight external threats or establish public safety (Military 2), among others.


In a larger context, activities in upper-layers such as Ideology 2 and Economy 2 occur in societies where civilization has been established, while activities in lower-layers such as Ideology 1 and Economy 1 occur at the individual level in primitive societies. Military 2 is situated between these layers, and as Ivan Morris and John Keegan argued, it serves as a boundary between violence and civilization during war. This is the politics as a continuation of war.