New Political Science

c. ㉢ Interactions between Samjae Capacities 본문

Mechanism of Politics

c. ㉢ Interactions between Samjae Capacities

Political Science 2023. 12. 11. 16:07

Interactions between Samjae Capacities


Economic capacity operates only under the protection of armed capacity, while ideological capacity operates only on top of the foundation of economic capacity. Furthermore, armed capacity can only be sustained with economic capacity, and both military and economic capacity can only be sustained for a long time with the presence of ideological capacity. As a result, despite the basic (especially independent) nature of Samjae capacities[Ch.3.104] the following phenomena generally occur:


         [Ch.3.113] In the short term, the larger the ideological capacity, the easier it is to increase armed capacity, and the larger the armed capacity, the easier it is to increase economic capacity. Similarly, the larger the economic capacity, the easier it is to increase ideological capacity.


To be precise, armed capacity determines the growth of economic capacity, and economic capacity determines the growth of ideological capacity. There are exceptional cases, such as honest politicians with strong armed capacity who do not increase their own economic wealth. However, generally, if one has the capacity to determine the growth of other capacities, political actors will maximize their own capacities. Let us examine this process step by step.



Ideological Capacity On Armed capacity


The greater the ideological capacity, the more likely it is to increase armed capacity in the short term. Here, ideological capacity refers to the ideological capacity within an organization. This is because the multi-layer structure of political phenomena is a spatio-temporal structure that constitutes the internal context of activity. Therefore, ideological capacity, which increases armed capacity, is a prerequisite for armed capacity and refers to the mental unity capacity of political actors, that is, the members of the political subject, as an underlying layer.


One can see this context in the correlation between religion and political power. Pinker argued that the bias towards religious belief in the human brain increases social cohesion, making it more advantageous for survival. Previously, Durkheim also pointed out that religion plays a role in strengthening norms and supporting communities. Even by looking at the distribution of historical facts, the correlation between religion and political power is significant.


The Byzantine Empire was based on a common religion of all its people, which strengthened loyalty with this faith and created forms of art and architecture, which could be used to formalize its governing purposes. This was a political advantage that even the Roman Empire at its height did not possess. The reason Moscow became the capital of Russia is also due to its religious capacity (ideological capacity), such as the fact that the saintly Patriarch Peter was buried in Moscow and his successor, Theognost, settled in Moscow, making it a spiritual center.


What is the reason that armed capacity requires ideological capacity? It is not due to moral necessity such as the need to control state power, but because armed capacity such as an army needs to be internally cohesive and strengthened. Otherwise, as seen in the fall of the Mobarak regime in Egypt when the military turned its back which had to suppress the protesters, and the collapse of Sukarno in Indonesia when the military went against him, the armed capacity of a political actor itself can crumble.


Generally, the armed capacity of a political actor increases in proportion to the relative size of its internal cohesive capacity, or ideological capacity. For example, despite their poor military conditions, the Arabs united by Islam after Muhammad won endless victories in war. The Arabs were primitive warriors with mediocre leadership, equipment, and military technology, and their horses did not have any particular advantage in combat. Nevertheless, they were able to defeat the armies of Byzantium and Persia, which had strong discipline and organization, mainly due to the power of Islam, which emphasizes fighting for faith. Similarly, the Prussian army reached an "invincible level beyond any European army" during the reign of Frederick William I (1713-1740). Both officers and soldiers in the Prussian army lived in extreme poverty, but their strong mental unification made them powerful, and the size of the Prussian army and the territory of the Prussian Empire both expanded.


Applying these principles, one can understand why the rebellion that led to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's uprising started with a flood in Guangxu Province rather than a violent organization like the Triad. As Fairbank noted, the Taiping rebellion did not start because of the Hong Xiuquan's idiosyncrasies but rather because he created the necessary ideological capacity for the creation of a large-scale war and political organization. Conversely, when Che Guevara attempted an armed revolution in Bolivia, the guerrilla fighters failed due to a lack of ideological capacity for strong cohesion, resulting in Che Guevara's capture.



Economic Capacity On Armed capacity


According to the establishment conditions of Samjae capacities, economic capacity operates only under the protection of armed capacity[Ch.3.104]. The first agriculturalists needed strongholds to protect their residences from enemies. When the Scandinavian Vikings invaded the Frankish kingdom in the late eighth century, the Varangians, who were both merchants and warriors, were able to gain commercial privileges from the emperor. When armed capacity and economic capacity are combined, it is possible to create the substance of political power(political organization).


Under the protection of armed capacity, economic capacity operates such that those with military power determine the economic order. Depending on the order, economic wealth (economic capacity) changes, with plunder being one possible outcome. In 1492, the emerging power of Spain on the Iberian Peninsula declared the Alhambra Decree and effectively impoverished the country's Jews. The House of Hope, which began as the descendants of Scottish merchants and grew into a powerful European banking dynasty, suffered irreparable losses in 1795 due to the ongoing war after the French revolutionary army marched into the Netherlands. No matter how strong economic capacity may be, without the support of armed force, it cannot be a source of political power. Exploitation of the subjugated by the dominant through economic means, as seen in the Japanese occupation of late Joseon-era Korean agriculture, is merely a structured manner of those with military power plundering those with economic power.


The individual who holds power through armed force can concentrate their economic capacity on themselves in the short term. Strong armed force enabled Europe to increase its economic capacity through commerce. In the 18th century, the expansion of European commerce worldwide was made possible by the armed capacity of "technological superiority in European ships and forts combined with abundant and inexpensive iron cannons." Conversely, a weak armed capacity results in a loss of economic power. After 1715, the home governments of the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal had no ability to defend their overseas territories in case of a full-scale attack by France or Britain. As a result, they had to turn a blind eye to illegal activities or amend laws in order to allow French or British traders to profit from the ports they controlled.


A typical example of middle-level phenomena is the use of politics by actors to gain wealth. In the late 19th century, even in American cities, political organizations acted as a means of making money by benefiting the wealth of politicians and their associates. This is a common fact through the history of the East and West. In contrast, without political power, there is plunder. Hitler's limited plunder of power resulted in the disappearance of one-quarter of the Jewish-owned small and medium-sized businesses by the end of 1935. When systematic confiscation and seizure of ownership began for all Jews in June 1938, the Jewish population in German society was completely ruined economically. In modern times, the process of companies flooding into China and then withdrawing is another example. While the increase in labor costs in China was an economic factor that contributed to the withdrawal of companies, the most significant factor was the change in China's policies. Companies could only suffer losses due to unfavorable legal applications in China.


At the micro-level, one can observe that the stocks of companies with relationships with politicians who have won elections tend to rise. Even the Soviet Union, which pursued economic egalitarianism, was not an exception to this phenomenon. Although the ruling class may have formally divided economic wealth with the non-dominant class, they had a different approach in the practical use of goods, such as special schools and luxury vacation homes for their children.



Ideological Capacity On Economic Capacity


According to the establishment conditions of Samjae capacities, ideological capacity operates only on the foundation of economic capacity[Ch.3.104]. Economic abundance is essential for the flowering of enlightenment ideas, as in 17th-century France when numerous thinkers' books were published and scientific discussions were actively taking place in many regional academies. Strong ideological capacity can only develop when basic needs are met, and economic resources are necessary to advance and disseminate ideas to others. Therefore, in a limited period, those with greater wealth can generate favorable public opinion and create more opportunities for themselves.


The first theological debate in the Umayyad caliphate in the Islamic world arose from the palace culture enjoyed by senior political leaders and the urban culture of the new production and educated classes, which also meant economic abundance. The second theological debate in Islam, during the Abbasid dynasty, was also centered around economically prosperous Baghdad and its surrounding region in Iran. In early 14th-century Italy, with the growth of capitalism, a phenomenon of ideological immersion in pursuit of intellectual and artistic interests emerged among the few who became wealthy. The initial bourgeois concept of beauty arose in England, where the first Industrial Revolution took place and was organized in a capitalist manner, and in the Netherlands in the 17th century, economic abundance was one of the reasons why art developed greatly.


Conversely, in Germany, poverty had a negative impact on the development of cultural and artistic capacity, which is one aspect of ideological capacity, and German painting rapidly declined from the mid-16th century. In a more micro-level example in modern times, one can cite how the wealthy middle-class women in the United States developed unique female cultures in the period from 1820 to 1850, as they became more affluent. Other examples include the case of Exxon, which in 1998 donated $2.9 million to 39 organizations that raised doubts about climate change to mollify opposition to oil development, or the American Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association, which allocated $1 million to economists who represented their views in 2003.